pp108 : WSDL Manager

WSDL Manager


The WSDL Manager component, when added to a Web page allows the page to read, parse, validate WSDL and validate schema documents.


Inline HTML

<div cordysType="wcp.library.util.wsdl.WSDLManager" id="wsdlmanagerID"/>

Event Property

 object.onerror = handler




It is an unique identifier for WSDL Manager.


It is a boolean property that denotes whether to fetch the imported and included schemas within a WSDL or schema document. The default value for resolveExternals property is 'false'.


It is a boolean property that denotes if the comment nodes to the instance XML has to be added. The default value for addComments property is 'false'. Example


It is a boolean property that indicates if the xsi:nil attribute must be set for the element in the instance document, if the corresponding element in the XML schema has the nillable attribute set to 'true'. The xsi:nil is defined in the http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance namespace. The default value for showNillable property is 'false'.

The various Web service operations defined in WSDL Manager are as follows:

Web service Operation



Reads the WSDL from a HTTP URL passed through the HTTPURL parameter.

var HTTPURL="http://www.holidaywebservice.com/Holidays/GBSCT/Dates/ GBSCTHolidayDates.asmx?WSDL" var definition = wsdlManagerID .readHTTPURL(HTTPURL)

Example: If there is an error while reading, it can be captured on the onerror event. The onerror event fires in case of an error.

readCordysMethod (methodNamespace, methodName, orgDN, version)

Reads the WSDL from a Process Platform Web service operation or XML Schema from an XSD specified by methodName and associated with the methodNamespace. The parameter orgDN is optional and when specified the Web service operation is looked for in the specified organization. If there is an error while reading, it can be captured on theonerrorevent. When the version is specified as ISV and if the Web service operation is present on LDAP, the corresponding Web service operation definition is returned. Else, a SOAP fault is thrown. If the version is specified as <Organization> and the Org DN is passed, then the Organizational Web service operation is searched on LDAP. If the Web service operation exists, the corresponding Web service operation definition is returned. Else, the Web service operation definition from the ISV Web service operation on the LDAP is returned. If the version is not specified, the Web service operation definition for the default organizational context (Organization configured by the user) is returned.

readCordysMethodset(methodNamespace, orgDN, version)

Reads the cumulative WSDL from all the Web service operations in the Web service interface specified by methodNamespace. The parameter orgDN is optional and when specified, the Web service interface is looked for in the specified organization. If there is an error while reading, it can be captured on theonerrorevent. When the version is specified as ISV and if the Web service operation is present on LDAP, the corresponding Web service operation definition is returned. Else, a SOAP fault is thrown. If the version is specified as <Organization> and the Org DN is passed, then the Organizational Web service operation is searched on LDAP. If the Web service operation exists, the corresponding Web service operation definition is returned. Else, the Web service operation definition from the ISV Web service operation on the LDAP is returned. If the version is not specified, the Web service operation definition for the default organizational context (Organization configured by the user) is returned.


Reads and returns the definition object from WSDL (DOMDocument). If there is an error while reading, it can be captured on theonerrorevent. An onerror event fires when a there is any error.


Validates schemaDocument passed as parameter as per the W3C XML Schema specification and returns true or false based on whether the document is valid or not. If it returns false, the error can be captured on the onerror event.


Validates the WSDL definition Document passed as the parameter as per W3C WSDL 1.1 specification. It returns 'true' if the document is valid else it returns 'false'. If it returns false, the error can be captured ononerrorevent.If the WSDL contains any extensibility elements other than SOAP and HTTP namespaces then the WSDLValidator will not validate those elements.


Sets the resolveExternals property to true or false based on the value of the input parameter 'resolve'.


Gets the value of the resolveExternals property of the wsdlManagerID.


Sets the addComments property to 'true' or 'false' based on the value of the input parameter 'addComments'.


Gets the value of the addComments property of the wsdlManagerID.


Gets the value of the showNillable property of the wsdlManagerID.


Sets the showNillable property to 'true' or 'false' based on the value of the input parameter 'showNillable'.


Validates the WSDL definitionDocument passed as a parameter as per Basic Profile1.1 specification and returns true or false based on validity of the document. If it returns false, the error can be captured on onerror event. An onerror event fires when a there is any error.If the WSDL contains any extensibility elements other than SOAP and HTTP namespaces then the WSDLValidator will not validate those elements.


Returns the attributegroup of the name specified in the schema.


Returns the attribute of the name specified in the schema.

Event Information

To Invoke


Default Action

Initiates any action associated with this event.

Event Object Properties

Although event handlers in the DHTML Object Model do not receive parameters directly, a handler can query an event object for data.




Boolean that sets or retrieves one of the following values:

  • true: Default. Error is shown by the wsdlmanager.
  • false: Error is not shown by the wsdlmanager.